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Biographies 2


Aldus (Vong)
Star Commander
Warhawk Star
Star Commader
Dagda Star

     Aeschylus like the rest of his sibkin, were the product of mixing of 2 genomes those of Joshua Gurdel and Samantha Bekker.

     During his days in the Creche, though bigger than his fellow sibkin, he was punished more severely than the others.
     Aeschylus was a member of the big paw sibko based on Tokasha. During his trial of position he was able to score a kill and earn the rank of mechwarrior.

     Unfortunately while fighting his second opponent a missile barrage broke through his cockpits armor and almost burned him alive, leaving him with scars that he wears proudly on his face. However, under the surface he has a fear of fire that has not passed to this day.
       Mechwarrior Aeschylus first saw front line action in a trial of Possession for a mining planet in the Dominion-Wolf Border. These early actions caused Aeschylus to have a preference for heavy mechs.
       Mechwarrior Aeschylus, got promoted to Star Commander Aeschylus following the referral of his S/O and tried to win a blood name, twice, which he failed to do both times. Therefore for the last 10 years, he has been relegated to garrison duty on backwater planets and seen minimal action.
       Star commander Aeschylus is now 33 years old, past his prime for the clans.

       He knows that the Growling Bears may be his final assignment before he is sent to a Solahma unit. He intends to earn his name or die trying.



        Aldus (Vong) was created from the Elemental phenotype, but washed out of battle armor training and relegated to the aerospace training command, where he flourished. He was born on the Rasalhague Dominion capital world of Asgard. He has trained heavily in the martial art of escrima, which is unusual because of it's heavy anti-Japanese history. During the occupation of the Philippine Islands by the Imperial Japanese Army, the practice of escrima was banned and heavily persecuted, yet the populace generally ignored the edict at great peril to their lives


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